Adam El-Kishawy

System Admin

My name is Adam El-Kishawy , and I am the IEEE UMN system admin. I study computer science at the U, so I am a bit different from the other officers. Basically, what I’m trying to say here is that if you’re trying to decide whether or not you should be a CE or CS(best major) major, I’m your guy. I was in that exact situation a couple of years ago. So I can try and point you in the right direction to get a feel for both majors. For computer science, I’d love to help you find your classes and how to succeed in them. Basically, what I’m trying to say here is if you want help with anything, no matter who you are or what it is, feel free to reach out to me because I love helping people with their careers. 



Okay, so what do I even do with IEEE? I maintain the website, printer, door access, and much more! I am super excited to show what I can do this year, and I am even more excited to meet all the IEEE members. 
