Brandon Ung

Systems Admin

Hey all! I'm Brandon, IEEE's system administrator. As system administrator, I help organize UMN IEEE's website, our awesome room (Keller 2-110), and lead the tech subcommittee. I've been apart of IEEE since May 2021, when I was elected as chair for the subsequent school year. Meghana convinced me to run for a position and I'm glad I did! I got to lead IEEE for a year and this was a big influence for being awarded an IEEE fellowship.

I'm a current MSECE student interested in digital chip design and will be graduating in May 2023. My concentration is in VLSI, computer architecture, and machine learning. As such, I'm hoping to take part in designing and creating the next generation of semiconductor technologies. Outside of my studies, I consider myself a fitness nut and love running, rock climbing, hiking, lifting, and pickleball. I enjoy travelling and have been to Australia, Patagonia, Cambodia, Thailand, and more. Hoping to travel more after graduation!

Brandon Ung