

Hello, my name is Mural. I have been involved with IEEE since the Spring of 2023. I am an Economist and a Software Engineer (soon, trust). I love learning about money, the flow of money, and how the world runs on it. I also love technology in all forms. I chose to do computer science rather than electrical engineering for the time being as that fit with my situation better. However, best believe I will purse a degree in EE in the future. I have a bet to win with a friend after all and I don't fail :0. 

I am currently exploring quantum computing and working on a course through IBM on the topic. I also have been trying my hand at 3D printing. Personally, I really love photography, especially landscape, nature, and city photography. I am not that good because I have been too busy to practice, but one day I'll be good. I love listening to music. I almost always have my AirPods in or headphones on. I don't have a favorite genre or artist though, depends on the mood.

Mural Cat